Fragrant Wedding

A wedding characterized by a specific olfactory atmosphere will undoubtedly result in a refined, elegant, and impactful outcome.

There are a thousand ways to leave an olfactory memory of your wedding. If you are thinking of a special event that will leave an indelible memory, then all you have to do is follow the trail of Camelot Café à Parfum’s proposals to enrich your wedding with scented accessories full of atmosphere.

The bride and groom

Choosing the fragrance to wear for your wedding is as important as choosing the dress!
The Olfactory Tasting is a delightful and surprising sensory experience: Camelot’s Master Perfumer will assist you in selecting from meticulously crafted, high-quality fragrances, the one that suits you best.
You can also order a fragrance sampling for use during the event, for dress changes and on the accessories you’ll wear.
Spritz the chosen wedding-themed fragrance on the corsages of bridesmaids, the boutonniere of your groom, the veil, or your bridal hairstyle. It’s a way to carry the scent of your wedding with you and leave a trail when embracing your guests.


The first olfactory impression you can leave on your guests is with the wedding invitations. We can spritz the essence themed for your wedding on the envelope and create an original wedding invitation.


The olfactory connection with a space is what surprises and leaves a lasting memory. This is important for you as a couple when you experience love at first sight for a particular venue. It’s also crucial for evenly diffusing the themed fragrance in all areas, from the main hall to the various spaces for welcoming guests, the dance floor, or cake cutting. Another original idea for your scented wedding is to spray the fragrance on fabric swatches that your guests will handle. This includes tissues distributed inside the ceremony’s welcome bags for the classic “tears of joy” and wipes handed out by waitstaff after a fish-based dish; in these cases, the fabric can be infused with essential oils.

Fragrance Corner Setup

We’ve discussed Essences and Special Perfumes, saving our most surprising proposal for last: setting up a dedicated corner, either indoors or outdoors depending on the season, for the exploration and magic of Artistic Perfumery.

The couple gifts this experience to their guests, allowing them to immerse themselves in this splendid sensory journey.

The Master Perfumer:
– Uses crystal glasses to amplify fragrances, aiding their transformation and evolution before spraying.
– Transmits the art of layering multiple perfumes to create olfactory harmony.
– Reveals the secret to achieving maximum persistence with a single spritz.
– Advises on personal olfactory choices, considering the time of day, temperature, seasons, and mood. Teaches the silent language of fragrances, allowing each person to communicate their mood and desires.

A memento of this special day that the couple has chosen to share with their dearest loved ones.

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